A MIDDLE-AGED handyman has been cleared of repeatedly molesting a schoolgirl more than 10 years ago.

Alfred Scott, 51, who also buys and sells jewellery, was found not guilty of four charges of indecent assault by a Burnley Crown Court jury on the direction of Judge Raymond Bennett.

The defendant, of Todmorden Road, Burnley, had denied the allegations, said to have taken place between 1990 and 1992, and was discharged from the dock. The court had heard claims Scott was said to have struck "at any opportunity," after school.

The alleged victim's schoolday's friend had told the jury the girl had been bubbly but her character appeared to change. The girl "just went quiet," which was not like her.

The woman said in their second year at high school they were just talking when the alleged victim became very upset and started crying.

The girl told her the defendant had been touching her, interfering with her and groping her. The witness claimed: "She was quite emotional for a couple of months after that and often just burst into tears."

The woman told the jury the girl once claimed Scott had raped her.

PC Caroline Watkins, who arrested the defendant and cautioned him, said he made no reply. He was later interviewed by the officer and a colleague.

PC Watkins told the court Scott told police the girl's claims he pressed up himself against her were a "load of nonsense."

Scott, the jury heard, said it was not true he had tried to get the girl to fondle him and said he swore on his mother's life he had not put his hand in her swimming costume or up her shorts.

The officer said when asked if he put the girl's hand inside his "joggers," Scott said he had not.

The court heard Scott told police the girl's allegations were a "conspiracy," against him. After the defendant was cautioned, he replied:"Definitely not guilty."