COMMUNITY beat manager, PC Tony Himycz, attended the recent meeting of the Ruskin Grove and Carter Avenue Neighbourhood Watch Committee.

He told the members that opportunist thefts were targeting the village. He stressed the importance of keeping doors and windows locked and asked that anything suspicious be reported to the police or a committee member.

There has also been damage to cars on Ruskin Avenue and various streets in the village. Two people are facing possible prosecutions for malicious or criminal damage. The Neighbourhood Watch Committee is to make a house collection for funds.

THE public toilets under the Library in Padiham are once again a cause of concern. The condition makes them almost impossible to use and points a very negative picture for visitors. A working group from Padiham Council will look at the possibility of a maintenance contract that will be the responsibility of Burnley Borough Council.

THE police surgeries held at Kwiksave supermarket have proved very popular. A monthly surgery is being planned to take place at the British Northern Housing Association office, in Whitegate Close.

THE new headteacher at Gawthorpe High School, Andrew Mackenzie, has undergone his first Ofsted inspection. The results will be published shortly.

NEW signs have been erected on Manchester Road in Hapton to direct travellers to the new picnic site at the foot of Carter Avenue.

THE three borough councillors for Hapton are Coun John Harbour, phone 771132; Coun Peter McGann, phone 831568, and Coun Len Starr, phone 264476. All are ready to help with any council-related problem.