IT WAS hair today, gone tomorow for one of Burnley's most popular landmarks.

One minute, lifesize mannequin Polly was enticing punters into Woman 2 Woman nail and beauty salon.

The next minute, she was flattened by a reversing car, leaving her with broken arms and legs.

As she's now beyond repair, staff at the Hall Street salon are putting Polly into retirement - but not before parading her round the town centre in a wheelchair as a farewell gesture to her customers.

Polly helped bring success to the business when she first arrived at the original Woman 2 Woman stall in Burnley market three years ago.

To mark Polly's short, yet successful career, workers at the nail and hair salon will be marking her retirement by taking her for a night on the town in Burnley next Friday.

Business partners Sara Wolski, Denise Chadwick, and staff members Anne Tyman, Kate Strettle and Andrea Durkin said Polly almost became part of the team.

Owner Sara Wolski said: "It might sound silly to some people but Polly was part of the team, she was with us when we first started out.

"It was awful when we first saw the state that she was in after the car reversed into her. Her legs and arms were sprawled all over the place. Polly was a landmark in Burnley. Everybody knew her and she always attracted comments.

"People just used to stop in the market and in the street so they could have a picture taken with her.

"The attention she attracted was unbelievable.

She added: "It was my partner, Denise's idea to buy a mannequin when we went shopping in Manchester.

"I thought it was a stupid idea at first but when I came away I decided it would be a good idea so we drove back to get her - we bundled her into the back of the car while I drove home with her legs poking into the back of my head.

"It will be sad not to have her outside welcoming the customers into the shop any more but now we have got a new one who will stay indoors." Since the business moved from Burnley Market Hall six months ago, Polly has been the subject of a number of vicious attacks. The last incident involved her being shot in the hand with a pellet gun, knocking off her fingers before thieves stole her wig.

Sara and Denise Chadwick have since paid £600 for a new mannequin and they are calling on the help of customers to find her a new name.