A PART-time cabbie who smashed into a wall was more than twice the drink drive limit, a court was told.

Burnley Magistrates Court heard that father-of-two Shafqat Ali, 25, told police he only had one bottle of WKD.

Ali, of Every Street, Nelson, admitted driving with excess alcohol. He was given a two year ban and fined £200, with £50 costs.

Scott Ainge, prosecuting, told the court after midnight police saw a taxi which had hit the car park wall at Powerhouse Gym. It was across the pavement and the vehicle was severely damaged.

The defendant was standing next to the cab and told an officer he was the driver.

Mr Ainge said a roadside breath test proved positive and Ali was arrested and cautioned. A breath test showed 74 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath - the legal limit is 35. He had no previous convictions.

Duncan Nightingale, defending, said police did not see the accident and Ali was honest enough to say he was the driver.

The defendant had had more than one bottle of WKD.

He had been to the pub with friends, drank more than he intended to and hit the wall.