IT was early to bed for Mrs Charlotte Arnold on Sunday, just like any other day.

But Sunday was far from ordinary for Charlotte -- because it was her 100th birthday.

So on Sunday, Charlotte, who lives at Lyndhurst, a residential care home in College Street, Leigh, she enjoyed hymn singing presented specially for her by her local Methodist Church but more surprises came with visits from several members of her family and Lyndhurst staff had arranged for her favourite entertainer, Mike Doody, to appear.

Then civic VIPs, the deputy mayor and mayoress of Wigan councillor and Mrs Geoffrey Roberts presented Charlotte with a bouquet of flowers.

Leigh born Charlotte celebrated with a buffet tea and birthday cake followed by a social evening -- and an early night!

Charlotte was a factory worker until she met her husband-to-be, William. They married in 1928 and had a son, Harry, born the following year.

In the war years, the Arnolds moved to Stoke on Trent where William worked in the Fire Service. Later, they had a fish-and-chip shop before moving back to Leigh after the war.

Charlotte had a brother, who was killed in 1916 at the age of 21 during the First World War, and several sisters. She has one grandson and three great grandchildren. William died in 1973.

"It is a privilege having Charlotte living with us," said Homes Manager, Jan Pickup.

"Charlotte is a quiet lady and keeps herself to herself but enjoys social events and taking part in a sing-along."