FOLK star Bram Taylor will see his magnificent seventh solo album hit the music stores next month before heading off for his sixth US tour and a debut trip to Canada.

The Leigh singer has recently put the finishing touches to his latest CD 'The Night is Young', a collection of traditional and contemporary songs which sees him celebrate 30 years on the British folk scene.

Bram leaves in March to begin his sixth USA concert tour, with performances at a variety of venues in Florida.

This will be followed by a third tour of the Netherlands, scheduled for April, and in May he embarks on a debut tour of Canada, where he will be performing at a series of concerts in Toronto and Ontario.

These will be closely followed by his first tour of Northern Ireland in June, but local performances are also on the agenda.

'An Evening with Bram Taylor' will be hosted by Morts Astley Heritage Trust at Dam House, Astley on Friday, February 6, at 7.30 pm and tickets at £7.50 are available from Margaret Hatton: Tel: 01942 876417 or 870851.

On Monday, March 1, Bram is the guest performer at The White Lion Folk Club at Swinton and on his return from the Florida tour he will be performing on Saturday, March 20, at St Joseph's Hall in Leigh, at the annual Joe Roberts' Memorial Concert along with other guest performers Marie Little, Calico and Penny Gate.

The 2003 concert was an enormous success and this year's kicks off at 8pm. Tickets are £6 from Pauline (01942 604603) or Des (01942 674868).

Bram's latest album number FECD183 has been engineered and produced by Fellside Recordings Ltd and should be available from all good record shops.