A FURIOUS mum is seeking an apology from a bike dealer for customer service which she claims upset her 12-years-old son.

Single mum Julie Barton bought a Mongoose stunt bike from Ratcliffe's in Bradshawgate, Leigh, as a special Christmas treat for son, Ryan, as thanks for helping with work around the house and caring for his little brother.

On taking delivery he found the brakes tight and three weeks later, after complaining, was invited to return the cycle to the shop.

Dental nurse Julie, of Brideoake Street, Leigh, said: "My son came into reception with his eyes brimming saying the shopman had had a go at him telling him he'd not looked after his bike.

"I went in, not for a row, and was told it shouldn't be any problem to fix it. He picked the bike up the following day and when I got home he was sobbing his heart out over remarks on a customer repair card.

"These said: 'Amazing. Look what oil does. Customer obviously never cleaned or lubed cycle, customer never read instruction booklet re-maintenance. Never should have been warranty, ie if you get a new car would you never wash it or put oil in it, if you bought a new TV would you read the instructions? Obvious.'

Julie said: "I was furious and everyone I have shown it to including CAB agreed that it was not good customer service.

"I am absolutely disgusted by the treatment and would like an apology for my son. To be told he was not looking after his pride and joy bike really upset him."

Mr Anthony Ratcliffe said: "As a matter of goodwill the bike was dealt with within 24 hours and without any charge. Advice was offered in what I believe was a friendly and courteous way both to Julie Barton and her son. The comments on the repair ticket were meant as examples of what maintenance is required to maximise product satisfaction.

"All of us at Ratcliffes take customer care very seriously as evidenced by the fact that the business has been in Leigh for 107 years and I personally have been here for nearly 33 years.

"If offence has been given it is regretted. The advice was meant to be of assistance."