ELEVEN months ago, the Council introduced a bus lane scheme along Bolton Road in Atherton.

After numerous complaints the Department of Engineering Services decided to change the permanent order to a temporary one. I am pleased they have decided to abolish the scheme and return the road to its original state, removing the bus lane and yellow lines.

Almost 1,000 people signed a petition against the scheme.

Particular tribute must be paid to Councillor Robert Bleakley. Without the tremendous support of him and his Liberal Democrat colleagues, we would not have had that all important voice. By being so approachable, helpful and supportive of the local community's concerns, he is a credit to the Council.

The Department of Engineering Services are also worth a mention for the way in which they listened and took into account all of the objections they received instead of just paying lip service to them.

I would like to thank all who supported the campaign against this scheme. It is refreshing to know that the Council are not too proud to acknowledge when they get it wrong!

Mr J. M. Hart

Atherton Veterinary Centre