LEIGH Bowling Club have called in MP Andy Burnham to help clear up a mess.

Club secretary, Frederick Tuttle, has written a complaint to local Mr Burnham about Balfour Beatie's work site at the bottom of Pownall Street which he says has been in a 'disgraceful condition' since work started last November.

The Balfour Beatie work site houses large drainpipes, sand and hardcore. Mr Tuttle says that large lorries shunting through the site and down the road have left it filthy and it's been a constant battle keeping the bowling club premises clean.

Despite repeated complaints to the foreman of the site, Mr Tuttle says the problem will not go away until the site is relocated and the road is fully repaired.

Five years ago, Leigh Bowling Club spent £3500 on surfacing Pownall Street so that members could walk into the club with no worries about dirty shoes. But now the interior of the club is being ruined, they claim.

Mr Tuttle has also informed the Council's Highway Engineering department about the problem.

Site foreman at Pownall Street, Steve Davidson, said he had "absolutely no comment whatsoever to make on behalf of Balfour Beatie."