ONE of England's leading internationals of recent years made a surprise appearance at the Blackburn Road Runners Winter Warmer 10K Road Race - and Carl Thackery showed that, as an over 40 veteran, he is still a class act.

The Hallamshire Harrier led from start to finish to win in 32:30 and break last year's course record.

Thackery still holds the British record for the 20,000 metres at 57:28.7, set in Oslo, and the British one hour record, having completed 20,855 metres in the time.

With the women's race being won by Bolton's prolific Liz Proctor in 38:53, it was left to Darwen Dashers women to restore a local feel to the prize-giving ceremony.

Improving Linda Clarkson chased home last year's winner Erica Johnson of Swaledale to take third in 41:06. She was the leading veteran, winning the F35 title and heading her club's successful defence of their team title.

Sue Corsini in 12th and Jackie Shaw in 14th were the other counters. Clayton's Karin Goss and Kitty Garnett won the F55 and F65 classes while Blackburn Harrier Sophie Croxson was the top junior.

A record entry of over 420 gave the organising club the biggest field in their history for any race, so a high placing was always going to be hard-earned.

Leading local man was Clayton's Grass Roots Champion Mark Brown, who extended a short visit home from his Gibraltar training base to compete.

He will stay over to run for his club in the Pennine Bridleway Relay next weekend. Mark was fourth in 33:54 and was second veteran behind Thackery, but won the M40 prize under the one prize per athlete convention.

Accrington Road Runner Graham Collinge was the top over 45 after placing ninth in 35:44.

The field was unusually cosmopolitan with the top 10 finishers all representing different clubs. Paul Guinan took seventh for Blackburn Harriers, Craig Wolfenden eighth for Rossendale and Simon Smith leading home a splendid turnout of 28 Darwen Dashers in tenth.

Pendle and Chorley Harriers were also represented in the first 20 by defending champion Neil Tattersall and Mark Ellithorn. Team honours deservedly went to Wesham Road Runners who had a strong presence with Steve Littler taking the runners-up spot.

There was also a first competitive outing for a new club, Riverside Runners from the Tarleton area, who were smartly turned out in their blue livery.

Eric Wilson and Roy Ashcroft gave Darwen Dashers a 1-2 in the over 50 class with respective times of 38:42 and 42:40, and Northern Vet Bill Atkinson clocked 44:04 to head the M65 standings. Red Rose Road Runners chairman Richard Packer was first over 70.

Nine juniors completed what is surely one of the toughest aces on the circuit with Chorley Harrier Chris Greenbank a fine second in 39:42 ahead of Rossendale pair Andrew Seed and Aaron Kelly.