IN the last few days the area has witnessed flood conditions and high river levels.

On Sunday the Bury Society's Third Winter League match was held in mild conditions on Island Lodge with topped up water levels.

The venue fished well. Dave Jowett (jnr) fishing peg 12 had roach and perch for a top weight of 4-15-0.

In second place, on peg 11, Roy Gough had a similar net for 4-2-0 while Dave Jowett (snr) fishing the streamside peg 25 took third place 3-13-9. Fourth was Graham Smith (peg 14) 3-2-10.

After three matches Dave Jowett (jnr) heads the league by four points. In second place is Dave Jowett (snr) with eight points and third, Roy Gough, with ten points, then comes Graham Smith with 12 points.

In extremely wet conditions at the Clarence Lido Open on Tuesday, catches improved with skimmer bream featuring in the leading weights.

Top weight fell to Stefan Gent (Fisherman's Way) 11-8-0. In second place was Paul White (Team Hynburn of Blackburn) 8-12-0. Third was Steve Leach (Oldham) with 7-4-0 and fourth Roger Lightbown with 6-4-0.

Despite the midweek heavy snowfalls, Bradshaw Fisheries Wednesday Open, on lower four lodge, went ahead.

Top weight fell to Jonathan Jowett (Drennan NW) 10-14-0 while in second place was Daz Shaw (Drennan NW) with 9-5-0.

Third was Harry Billing (Drennan NW) with 7-13-0 and fourth M. Risby (Gilders Tackle) 6-13-0.

Further afield in Yorkshire some local anglers fished the Wednesday Open at the Woodlands Complex.

Anthony Stock (Elton Tackle), fishing Partridge peg 12, had nine carp for 24-6-0. In second place was M. Longhurst (Elton Tackle) 5-14-0, and third, K. Tryatt (Elton Tackle), 4-6-0.



THE annual General Meeting of the club takes place at the Waterloo Hotel Manchester Road, Bury on Monday, February 9 at 8.30pm. The Annual Presentation of Trophies also takes place at this meeting.



FEBRUARY'S meeting of the club takes place this Sunday, (February 8) at 1.30pm.

This is the final date for booking the Vauxhall Quay August 14 & 15 and the Plymouth trips.

The second trip of the current season takes place on Saturday, April 3rd, aboard "Merlin," sailing from Rhyl at 8.00am, for a five hour trip.



FOURTH match in the Winter League Series takes place on Parkers on Sunday, February 15, draw at 9am, fishing 10am to 3pm.

The club's next working party takes place on Parkers, Saturday, February 21 at 9am on the banks.

The jobs in hand are to strim the fieldside banking, repair the timber stillages and repair the hole in the bankside path caused by vandalism, and level other bankside paths on the fieldside.