BURY'S First Citizens were given VIP treatment in Holywood when they inspected our troops on the front line in Northern Ireland.

The Mayor and Mayoress Councillor Wilf and Mrs Maureen Davison recently spent two days with the 2nd Battalion, the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers, who are currently stationed at Palace Barracks in the Holywood district of Belfast.

During their tour of duty, the civic leaders were given an insight into the security operations in Northern Ireland, particularly in and around the capital.

Fusiliers from 2RRF, which recruits from the Bury and Manchester area, are tasked with supporting the local police service in some of the most contentious areas of the city.

The Mayor and Mayoress were also given an operational brief and a public order demonstration prior to visiting Girdwood Barracks, which lies right on a religious interface.

Councillor Davison said of the trip: "The boys in the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers are doing a job that at times can be very difficult and demanding.

"Northern Ireland has been out of the headlines, yet it does not mean that the Fusiliers have not been instrumental in maintaining the peace. The visit has been very informative. Watching the soldiers undertake their public order drills gave me a brief insight into just how tough their job can be."