A MAN with missing teeth and smelling of alcohol made obscene remarks to a Morecambe schoolgirl before pushing a stick up her skirt.

The indecent assault took place as the 15-year-old was heading home on the number 42 bus along Morecambe Road, Lancaster, between 4.45pm and 5.15pm on Tuesday.

She caught the bus at Lancaster bus station at the same time as the man. After trying to chat to her he made obscene suggestions.

Then as the girl, who was upset by the incident, went to get off the bus he pushed a red stick up her skirt. It was attached to a popped balloon.

The man, who got off the bus at the Scale Hall Farm stop, was aged 30 to 40, white and six-feet tall. He was slim, with stubble and yellow teeth, some of which were missing. He was wearing a green anorak-style jacket and a stripy hat, and had carrier bags with him.

Anyone with information is urged to contact PC Paula Heaton on 01524-63333 or Crimestoppers on 0800-555111.