ARSONISTS intent on setting light to rubbish in Morecambe are about to face serious opposition - from a specialist hit squad.

The Government's arson control forum is dishing up £133,000 to tackle the burning issue.

And another £44,456 is being put in the pot by Poulton Neighbourhood Management.

It follows a 44 per cent rise in the number of deliberate rubbish fires started in Morecambe in 2002 and means that a rapid response team of three - with their own vehicle - will be able to target refuse and fly-tipping hot spots in Poulton and the West End.

With support from Lancaster city council's legal and housing services, the hit squad will be able to remove rubbish from private premises, such as the back yards of multi-occupancy premises, as well as public areas.

Lancaster district community safety partnership secured the cash after concerns about deliberate fires were raised in an anti-social behaviour survey.

Chairman Dr Ruth Henig says the initiative will make a real difference to people's lives.