A FATHER-of-two who suffers from epilepsy was robbed as he lay unconscious in a pool of blood after having a fit.

Police have condemned the attack as 'absolutely disgraceful' after the 49-year-old's pockets were emptied while he was out cold.

The victim, who asked not to be named, had an epileptic fit after getting off a bus on the Ryelands' side of Morecambe Road, Lancaster, next to Carlisle Bridge.

He fell forward, striking his face on the pavement and blacking out some time between 2pm and 3pm last Monday.

As he lay there, someone or possibly a group of people grabbed his wallet, containing the £180 Giro he had just collected.

"While I was unconscious someone took my wallet, bag and some shoes I had just bought - they were a birthday present from the kids," he says.

"It was a low thing to do to someone unconscious without administering first aid or phoning an ambulance.

"I must have been covered in blood but they robbed me and left me lying there."

A passing detective called paramedics.

The family man is currently unemployed but looking for work. The stolen money was due to last a fortnight.

And he has learned he is ineligible for a Social Security crisis loan because his wife works part-time.

Witnesses should contact Lancaster Police on 01524- 63333 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555-111.