A WOMAN and a teenager have appeared in court after a football player was said to have been attacked with a machete on Monday.

Kathleen Norwood, 33, of Colne Road, Brierfield, is charged with causing grievous boldily harm with intent and possessing an offensive weapon.

A 14 year old, who cannot be named for legal reasons, is accused of possessing an offensive weapon, common assault and threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour. The pair were bailed until a preliminary hearing at Burnley Crown Court on February 24.

Norwood was ordered to live and sleep at her home address, observe a curfew between 11pm and 7am and not to enter Burnley except for pre-arranged court or solicitor's appointment, or to attend a medical appointment. She must not contact witnesses.

The schoolboy was bailed to live where directed by social services and he must abide by any rules. He was ordered not to attend Burnley except to attend court or his solicitor's by pre-arranged appointment. He must not contact witnesses.