PENDLE'S council leader today welcomed the possibility of a new transport interchange to replace Nelson's "poor and unattractive" bus station.

Councillor Alan Davies said he welcomed the interest shown by Lancashire County Council in adding Nelson to its rolling programme of providing new transport facilities.

A number of possible sites for the interchange are currently being examined but no definite decisions have been taken.

The county council cabinet member for transport, Jean Yates, was shown round the town earlier this week by Councillor Colin Waite to examine potential locations.

Coun Davies said: "A new interchange aims to boost the economic activity of a town as it encourages more people to come into the town on public transport and therefore spend more money.

"This, in turn, acts as an incentive to new retailers to invest in a town.

"We understand that a number of sites for an interchange are being looked at but nothing definite has been decided.

"We welcome any new investment in our transport infrastructure in Nelson. The bus station is poor and unattractive."