THERE is nothing positive for ratepayers in the nine per cent rise in council tax being imposed by Lancaster Town Hall, as stated by Cllr Millar in his spin-doctored contribution in Letters, last week.

There has been no evidence in the local media of incompetence from the MBIs when they held power. However, I do believe they questioned and challenged the officer-led culture at the Town Hall and threatened the establishsment's status quo.

To acquire an understanding of the meaning of incompetence I suggest that he refers to the District Auditor's 78-page final report on 'Blobbygate' which can be accessed from the council's own website. And who was in power then - a Labour administration, of course.

He refers to my threat of 'civil disobedience' in refusing to pay my council tax.

Does Cllr Millar think the majority of ratepayers are mind-controlled zero memory robots or human beings who are free-thinking, positive, intuitive and highly intelligent - and who expect an accountable service in return for paying their council tax.

He will discover the answer to this question in April when ratepayers commence their monthly council tax payments for the next year. It is he who should be frightened because, in my opinion, this council's demands are unaccountable, unfair and unreasonable to local ratepayers.

Disciple (name and address supplied).