IT WAS a case of the wild North West after a Shetland pony bolted its stable for a bit of after-dark horseplay with a local bobby in Blackpool town centre.

The 3ft tall white pony escaped from its stable on Blackpool Old Road, close to Collegiate High School, at around 1.50am on Tuesday, February 3.

It then made itws way along the busy Garstang Road, St Walburgas Road and Newton Drive prompting dozens of police calls from worried local residents.

PC Darren Coathup caught up with the animal on Newton Drive and attempted to tie it to fencing at the corner of Torsway Avenue.

But the mare -- whose breed are renowned for their long shaggy mane and tail -- wrangled free and led the beleaguered PC on a 90 minute trek back to its home on Blackpool Old Road.

A Blackpool Police spokesman said: "The officer involved in the incident is now facing his entire career being known as Western Division's answer to John Wayne!

"But, on a more serious note, PC Coathup acted in a responsible manner and avoided a potentially serious situation which could have resulted in an accident.

"Luckily the pony finally seemed to remember its own way home and returned to its stable without causing too many problems.

"We've now been assured by the owner that the horse is safe and secure and won't be making any more midnight trots out alone."