TWELVE vehicles were impounded and a further seven clamped for non-payment of road tax in a joint DVLA and police sting in Prestwich and Whitefield.

Officers and Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency clampers swooped on unsuspecting motorists on Monday morning (Feb 2) in the first combined operation in the area.

The restrictive yellow wheel clamps were slapped on 19 vehicles in total and a car low-loader transported the majority away to a DVLA pound.

Some motorists tried to negotiate with the team when they discovered what was happening but many learned of their fate when they returned home to see a large warning sign in the vehicle window while some discovered an empty space where their car had been parked.

One motorist reacted angrily to the action and managed to remove the iron-wear from his wheel after officers had left the scene.

Affected motorists now face a hefty fine to remove the clamp or to be reunited with their vehicle, but they have to act fast as a car that is not claimed within seven days could be disposed of by the DVLA.

Sgt Mike Kennedy, of Whitefield Police, who organised the sting in conjunction with the DVLA said: "This is not simply an attack on mainstream motorists. Generally, with untaxed vehicles there is also no insurance or MOT, which presents an added complication if the vehicle is involved in an accident. These are potentially dangerous cars that should be off the road. We are removing a genuine threat to other motorists and pedestrians."

Sgt Kennedy said he had received many complaints from members of the public about untaxed vehicles and during the recent Operation Rockingham, which aims to tackle street robbery, officers had gathered their own intelligence on offenders.

He said: "There has been an increase in the number of vehicles without tax and we can see an increase in the amount of repeat offenders. We hope to get the message across that an untaxed vehicle won't be tolerated any more. Genuine keepers have nothing to fear as any vehicle taken away will be returned to them on payment of a fine but often the vehicle is not registered to the owner. If we remove the car off the road then we have achieved a result."

Owners of clamped vehicles receive instructions on how to retrieve their vehicle. If paid within 24 hours the fee is £80 plus £120 surety or valid tax disc.

After 24 hours the fee goes up to £160 plus the surety or tax disc and an additional £15 per day storage.