'THERE'S no danger from explosions' insists Canatxx, the company wanting to store highly pressurised gas in salt caverns under the River Wyre -- but a growing number of residents are expressing their fears about the proposal.

The American company has dismissed claims that its plans would put 70,000 lives in danger, telling The Citizen: "Our strong point of view is that the public will absolutely not be at risk from explosions."

Canatxx said Blackpool councillor Steven Bate was 'misinformed' to say that around 7,000 Blackpool residents would be at risk from explosions.

The Anchorsholme ward councillor had said: "Following a leak leading to fires, explosions, and loss of life, seven miles away from similar gas storage in the USA, the Kansas State Government forbids this type of gas storage within three miles of urban districts. All of Anchorsholme ward and parts of Norbreck and Ingthorpe Blackpool wards are within three miles. Therefore we will be pressing for Blackpool Council to formally object to this planning proposal."

But a Canatxx spokesman said: "The incident at Hutchinson, Kansas bears no relation to Canatxx's project. There is no rational comparison between that operation and our proposal."

In future Britain would import more gas from Europe which if interrupted could lead to black-outs, making storage facilities a necessity, he said.

"Canatxx is doing something to generate profit for itself that also is worthwhile and will save lives," he said.

But those claims were themselves attacked by Protect Wyre Group's chairman, Ian Mulroy, at a public meeting organised by Wyre Borough Council on Tuesday night. Far from importing, the country was exporting a surplus, he told 120 people gathered at Fleetwood United Reformed Church. Canatxx had plans to run a pipeline from Fleetwood to Anglesey power station, he said.

And the firm could make a profit by using the facility to store gas bought cheaply off-peak and selling it back to users in peak time.

Thornton Action Group's Howard Phillips said the storage caverns could easily be the width of the Wyre estuary, almost reaching under the Fleetwood and Thornton riverbank.

Canatxx was not present at the meeting -- previously a spokesman said: "We are recording questions and answers in a proper fashion openly and fully, and we do not think a public forum is appropriate. We are not in politics, we are in the energy business."

Canatxx has applied to Lancashire County Council for permission to create salt caverns below the River Wyre to house up to two million tonnes of gas.

LCC has received more than 10,000 letters of objection from residents, it said.