THE mother of a nine-year-old boy knocked over by a hazard cone kicked into him by a man handed out her own form of rough justice.

Blackburn magistrates heard that the woman attacked Michael Currie, 20, with her handbag. And the court was told that after sorting things out herself, the woman refused to make a complaint against Currie.

Currie, of Formby Close, Blackburn, pleaded guilty to using threatening behaviour. He was fined £200 and ordered to pay £50 costs.

Charlotte Crane, prosecuting, said the woman and her son were walking between Lord Square and Victoria Court when Currie launched a running kick at a hazard cone warning of a slippery surface. It hit the boy knocking him to the floor.

"The cone bounced back and he kicked it a second time and again hit the child," said Miss Crane. "The mother was extremely distressed and her response was to hit Currie with her handbag."

Currie became abusive when police arrived and struggled with them and made threats. Basharat Ditta, defending, said it was an unfortunate episode for which his client was deeply sorry. "He accepts the child was caused some distress but it is clear the child's mother meted out her own justice," said Mr Ditta.