WHILE agreeing with much of what Mrs Leonard said about mums and work (Letters, January 23) I feel I must comment on her remark: "People say that I do well to fill my days so industriously. How patronising!"

Further on she says: "In the 1950s, and even in the 1960s, women were expected to sit at home and make jam". Now who is being patronising?

As one who was a young mum in the 1950s and 1960s, let me assure Mrs Leonard that lots of mothers went out to work full-time. Some stayed at home by agreement with their husbands. The rest of us worked, if and when we were able. In between we stayed at home and made the despised jam and did other things to save money, like mending and sewing.

The one thing we didn't do was write to the Bury Times bemoaning our circumstances.


Wood Top, Ramsbottom.