IVAN Lewis seems intent on fining those parents who take their children out of school during term time.

Whilst I believe it is the responsibility of parents to see their children attend school at all times, I can understand their dilemma when travel companies hike up their prices whenever the school holidays come around.

I also think it's about time the practice, whereby MPs "pair off" with MPs on the Opposition benches in order to pursue their pecuniary interests, needs stopping. This situation is described by Dennis Skinner as "organised truancy", something he has refused to be part of.

His belief, and mine, is that MPs are paid by the electorate and it should be incumbent on them to attend Parliament every day whilst it is in session. Although there aren't many MPs doing it, there are enough to warrant some action being taken.

After all, if the powers-that-be expect children to attend school regularly, with parents fined if they are not, then surely the same should apply to our elected representatives.


Peveril Close,
