LIKE many other Bury residents I am beginning to tire of the constant barrage of propaganda regarding Bury's CPA (Corporate Performance Assessment) rating being propelled at the public by this Labour council.

The points improvement in moving from "Weak" to "Fair" apparently made us the most improved council in the country, admittedly starting from an obviously low base. Whether our low rating and limited improvement to "Fair" is worthy of boasting about at all is one issue, but whether we should also be paying for this brainwashing is an altogether separate issue.

The banners displayed on two sides of the town hall, and on other civic buildings such as the central library and the Castle buildings, listed buildings in a Conservation Area, are very undignified and also lack necessary planning permission. They are spoiling the appearance of these fine buildings in a tacky way and I feel sure the planning committee will not approve of the banners, which have now been on display for some weeks. How long are they to remain? Until the local elections?

Apparently each banner costs £70, which seems surprisingly cheap. But even so, £420 for six, plus labour costs for installing and removing them, could have been better spent.

More significant are the electronic notice boards around the town hall which flash the message "Most Improved Council: Official" in your face as you queue to pay your council tax, wait to go in to an education appeal for your child's school place. or submit a complaint. These notice boards cost £11,209. Who agreed to these intrusive screens brainwashing us day after day?

Now another computerised screen has appeared in the town hall foyer, next to reception, which constantly flashes up the council's vision, aims and priorities. How much has this further brainwashing cost us? Then there are the office calendars with the slogan "Most Improved Council", being given away free.

Just in case you had not yet absorbed the message, the council's free newspaper has just appeared this week with the banner headline "Country's Most Improved Council". Taxpayers in Bury are are paying more than £20,000 for this further example of Labour propaganda (that was the figure three years ago, so I guess it has risen).

Its front page also contains a "Rogues Gallery" of the eight councillors responsible for the current independent care homes dispute, the long-running car parking fiasco, the proposed demolition of the recently revamped market, the speed humps in Silver Street which prevent buses using the route, the closure of the Arts and Crafts centre, the six months wait for an assessment interview for Aids and Adaptations, and many other "improvements".

Who are they trying to kid with all this expensive propaganda telling us how good they are when the reality tells a different story? I think it is time for a change of approach in Bury where genuine progress on those things which matter to people replaces strategies and Vision Statements, and where straightforward, honest communication replaces spin and brainwashing. Bury deserves better.


Conservative Group Leader,

Bury MBC.