A COUPLE who married after meeting on the internet have now made sweet music together and recorded a CD.

Lovestruck Reverend Will Bailey and his wife Norma, first met on an internet Christian chatroom four years ago.

After just a few months, the Reverend proposed to Norma, who was living in Burnley, and the couple were married at the town's Sion Baptist Church.

Now the couple, who both write and perform music, have recorded a CD together at a Clitheroe studio.

Norma, 49, said: "It took about six months to record and we finished it last year.

"I can't play any instruments but I am learning to play the violin. But Will is a musician as well as a composer.

"There's a track on there called God's Grace. I wrote the words as a poem on a retreat I was on. When Will came to pick me up I told him.

"Half an hour later he had written music for it."

The romantic couple are used to unusual ways of showing their love - they broadcast their wedding service onto the internet so their friends could watch from abroad. Norma, originally from Sunderland but then living in Hastings, on the south coast, moved to Burnley in 1999 while suffering from ME and post-viral arthritis.

She now lives in Morecambe, but says East Lancashire, and meeting Will, turned her life around.

She is soon to write a book about her experiences.

She said: "It was quite a big decision to make, but the best decision I ever made. That was the start of my healing, by moving up here.

"By the time I met Will I was just using crutches. Then gradually over the years I have just got stronger and stronger."

Now Norma, who works with Will as leaders of a local Pentecostal church, says the eight-track album of Christian songs will be the first of many.

She said: "We have got more music in the pipeline and other songs we have written, but it's getting this album off the ground first."

The album is available from Christian bookshops in Preston, Lancaster and Kendal, for £7.

For more information about the CD e-mail the couple on sanctuarypm@aol.com.