A MAN was charged with threatening to kill an off-duty policeman and harassing the officer's step-daughter after a late-night row.

But Ilias Khan was only fined £400 with £175 costs, after pleading guilty to a lesser charge of using threatening behaviour following an incident last May.

Khan, of Stevenson Street East, Accrington, was arrested after turning up outside the Clitheroe home of Gail and Anthony McGibbon, both serving police officers.

John Wishart, prosecuting, told Blackburn magistrates that Sarah Dibbs, the daughter of Gail and step-daughter of Anthony McGibbon, had been in a relationship with Khan for more than two years.

She had left his home in Accrington and ended the relationship in June 2002.

Mr Wishart said that the two more serious charges were dismissed. He said in the course of discussions with defence solicitor Basharat Ditta, it had been made clear that during the court proceedings involving harassment of Sarah Dibbs she had been in touch, willingly, with the defendant.

"It is on that basis that the prosecution abandons the harassment matters," he said.

He said that on May 25 last year Miss Dibbs had been out with friends on the Bank Holiday. She received a phone call from Khan saying he was coming to Clitheroe to see her.

"She was unwilling to keep that rendezvous but during the course of the evening it became clear that Khan had come to Clitheroe anyway," said Mr Wishart.

At about 11.30pm Miss Dibbs, her sister and her boyfriend, Paul King, had returned to the family home and, shortly after, they heard a car pull up outside and sound the horn.

"It was clear Khan was determined to speak to Sarah whatever the situation was that night," said Mr Wishart. He told how Paul King went out to speak to the defendant and a slanging match developed.

Mr McGibbon went out to try and calm the situation but there was a heated argument. Khan shouted abuse and said he wasn't afraid of Mr McGibbon because he was a police officer. At one stage he drove off a short distance but then returned and again parked outside the house.

Mrs McGibbon went out to try and reason with Khan but he responded with threats of violence against her and her husband.

He was told to leave or the police would be called and said: "I'll be back with the boys and I'll show you trouble. You don't know who you are dealing with."

Mr Ditta said the couple had met in a club and got on very well. Miss Dibbs had left the family home to live with Khan.

Mr Ditta said that on the day of the incident the meeting had been pre-arranged by mutual agreement. When Miss Dibbs did not turn up Khan went to her house.