RIBBLE Valley MP Nigel Evans has called on the PM to bring in new measures to stop residents of other EU member countries flooding to Britain.

He says there are 10 European countries whose average wages are less than half of the UK and whose employment rate is much higher.

Mr Evans said: "It is all well and good for Tony Blair to find his reverse gear on the EU accession countries. He states that if the UK attracted a considerable number of these EU citizens in to the UK taking British jobs, he would take action. I want to know on what basis he makes that judgement.

"I want to know how many people have to come in before he triggers fresh entry requirements and what tracking facilities will be introduced to be able to determine how many people are here and from what countries they are from.

"Without work permits and visa requirements, the Government will not have the slightest idea as to how many people are in the UK.

"Other current EU member states have sensibly introduced restrictions on the citizens entering their labour market. These countries are right and our government is hopelessly wrong."