IF you get hot under the collar with pop-up adverts on the internet you had better look out for TV-style ads next. Many of the world's busiest websites are testing the half-minute ads, which appear at random whenever you click on certain links.

They are set-up to appear when you move from one page to another and you will have to sit through them to get to what you wanted.

The adverts are in full-screen format and play a 2MB, 30 second, broadcast quality video, regardless of connection speed.

Supporters say that, if successful, the ads will cut down the number of marketing messages on the web. Opponents are already working on ways to block them.

THE Marbles Reunited website is the home of a campaign group which wants to see the Parthenon Sculptures, commonly known as the Elgin Marbles, reunited.

The site (www.marblesreunited.org.uk) is packed full of information and photographs and gives a history of the sculptures.

It also outlines the group's campaign work, with the ultimate aim of seeing the UK pieces together with the Greek pieces in Athens.

You can join the newsletter to keep up to date and the site is clearly designed and laid out.

And what a great name.

DON'T get bored at work. Why not play with Mr Picassohead and create a work of art?

This website (www.mrpicassohead.com) lets you "create" your own Picasso painting by offering a number of his motif facial features (mouths, ears, arcs of hair etc).

You can move them around your canvas, add different colours and even check out what fellow artists have produced.

Once your masterpiece is finished you can sign it with a Picasso-style signature, print it off or email it to a friend. Yet another site with a great name.