A WOMAN suffering from ME Chronic Fatigue Syndrome has set up a yoga class to help other people with the same condition.

Olivia Rigby, 31, of Bury New Road, Ramsbottom, set up the classes, after living with the condition for four years.

Olivia's condition forced her to give up work as a teacher, which prompted her to start attending yoga sessions in a bid to help improve her symptoms.

She is now working towards a British Wheel of Yoga Teaching Diploma, which enables her to teach yoga.

The classes, which are held at Friar Court, Accrington, every Wednesday night from 7pm-8pm, have been funded by a grant from the ME Association to help people improve their condition.

ME can affect any age group, including school children and the elderly, but most commonly it affect young adults -- with one in every 1,000 people being affected in the UK.

According to BUPA, the personal health service, it generally develops after a viral or bacterial infection and glandular fever is a common trigger.

The former Bury Grammar School teacher said: "It's a horrible condition to have. I contracted it after having glandular fever.

"At first I was really bad, but since I have been doing yoga it's really helped me.

"Because yoga isn't as physically draining as some other exercises it works really well for people with this condition."

Anybody wanting more information should contact Olivia on 01706 828488.