AN assault case was dropped yesterday after a soap star and former fiance of ex-Blackburn star David Dunn opted not to give evidence against the woman charged with attacking her sister and mother.

A court was told that 18-year-old Emmerdale actress Sammy Winward - who plays love cheat Katy in the TV show and was engaged to the Great Harwood-born soccer star - had retracted her statement.

Jacqueline Marriott, 37, was arrested after an incident in the White Horse pub at Edgworth on December 29, 2002.

She was due to face trial at Preston Crown Court accused of assaulting Sammy's sister Amy and causing actual bodily harm, and common assault on her mother, Jane Winward.

But no evidence was offered by the prosecution after the court was told that all three women had made retraction statements.

Marriott, of Horseshoe Lane, Bromley Cross, Bolton, denied the two accusations.

A trial had already been postponed from a date in October last year. She was not present at court when Judge Robert Brown directed that not guilty verdicts should be entered.

Louise Whaites, prosecuting, said: "The witnesses for the Crown have known the defendant for some time and I think it is right to say there may have been a certain amount of animosity on both sides."

On January 8 the Crown received contact from Jane Winward who indicated she had only just discovered that the trial was fixed for February 9. She stated she had not received any notification and it created difficulties for both daughters - one of whom is taking university exams.

The prosecution said witness warnings had been sent out in October. Further inquiries had been made and on January 27 retraction statements were received for each of the three central witnesses.

Miss Whaites added: "All indicate they have discussed the matter and no longer wish to pursue the allegation."