TEENAGE goalminder Nick Saxton is facing the busiest of weekends as Blackburn Hawks gear up for more tough challenges.

The determined 16-year-old from Rossendale will again be the Hawks' last line of defence in tonight's challenge match at Dumfries, before donning his pads to face Sheffield Scimitars in a top-of-the-table clash at the Arena tomorrow.

Saxton, who made his senior debut earlier this season, has been thrust into the limelight due to serious injury to regular minder Robbie 'the Dog' Smith.

Player-coach Bobby Haig explained: "We thought it was a groin strain, but 'The Dog' actually fractured his pelvis in last week's challenge and we won't see him a again this season.

"He'd been playing really well and it's a real blow for him.

"I've no worries about pitching Nick into the action, but he has commitments with the under 16s and we can't depend on him.

"I'm talking to the league about bringing someone in on loan. I've a couple of options, at Bradford and Kingston, in mind."

The Hawks' weekend begins with the trip to Dumfries, where the locals will be anxious to avenge an 8-3 defeat in an 'international friendly' at the Arena back in November.

The more pressing engagement, though, is with the Scimitars, who pitch up at the Arena for a crucial league clash.

Flintshire currently head the English National League North, with Sheffield and the Hawks in close pursuit.

Haig said: "Both games will be tough, but we hope to take points off Sheffield. "The Dumfries match will keep our guys loosened up for the big one 24 hours later.

"I think, if we keep our discipline and our shape, we can beat them."

Apart from the unfortunate Smith, Chris Black and Scott Barnett will miss the Scottish game, sidelined through suspension and work commitments, respectively, but both return to face Sheffield.

Matt Southall is also unavailable. He is at College in the United States and will miss the rest of the season.