A MIDDLE-aged man who groped a "besotted" girl has been spared a jail term.

Burnley Crown Court heard Neil Abbott, 49, was, according to his barrister, more motivated by drink than being sexual predator.

Abbott was given a 12-month community rehabilitation order and ordered to sign the Sex Offenders' Register for five years.

The defendant, of Hodder Street, Burnley, had earlier admitted indecently assaulting a girl under 16.

Sentencing, Judge Raymond Bennett said Abbott should have been able to say no.

The judge went on : "It's not allowed. It's unlawful however much you feel you were persuaded.

"If this had been a more serious kind of touching, you would have gone to prison. If you had had previous convictions for this kind of offence, you would have gone to custody."

Judge Bennett told the court the defendant had not been in trouble for 10 years.

He said it was remarkable people who appeared in court charged with offences against young girls, nearly always had an offence of dishonesty on their records.

He continued: "I don't know why that is, but it's the same with you."

The judge said Abbott's guilty plea had saved the victim from being cross-examined and being hurt. "Cross examination can be very hurtful."

Judge Bennett warned the defendant: "You must understand if you behave like this again you will go to prison."