THE parents of a teenager who was seriously injured in a car crash have thanked a mystery woman who helped to save their son's life.

Mum Julie Craig and step-dad Gary Williams spoke of their gratitude for the woman who pulled Luke, 14, from the wreckage and placed him in the recovery position.

Luke, who was on a life support machine for three days and then spent five days in intensive care after suffering serious chest injuries in the collision, in Mount Lane, in Cliviger, on Sunday, January 25, left hospital on Friday.

Julie, 33, said: "This last two weeks have been a nightmare.

"We have been at his bedside day and night, just praying that he would come through.

"We would like to thank the lady who pulled him out of the car and put him in the recovery position because she saved his life.

"We think she is the wife of a local fireman, but we know no more than that."

Julie and Gary, 38, of Griffin Close, said they were relieved to have Luke back home with his brother and sister, Alfie, six, and Poppy, 10, but they now have the difficult task of helping him recover from the trauma of the accident.

Julie said: "He is still in shock and he cannot remember anything about the crash or the first few days he spent in hospital.

"He has lost about eight days of his life.

"But he is getting a lot of help and support to get him through this."

Towneley High School pupil Luke underwent emergency surgery to repair a tear in his heart, which was caused by the seat belt.

A heart surgeon from Wythenshawe Hospital in Manchester was brought in to do the operation. Luke, a keen footballer, was treated at Burnley General Hospital before being moved to Alder Hey Hospital, in Liverpool.

Julie and Gary said they cannot thank the staff at both hospitals enough for everything they did to save their son.

Luke's dad, Neil Sheridan, 35, of Coal Clough Lane, who was driving at the time of the collision, has fractured his leg but is also now out of hospital.

Police are still appealing for witnesses to the incident.

Anyone with information can contact them on 01282 472431.