CHIEF Constable of Lancashire Paul Stephenson, states that 500 extra officers are needed to run the force effectively.

Looking at violent crime figures and anti-social behaviour, I think he needs a few more than this.

But as soon as a person like Mr Stephenson, who knows what he is talking, about states what he needs, councillors quote figures on how much it will cost.

The natural assumption is that people will object to paying more in council tax to fund it.

Well I, for one, would be happy to pay the extra £22.36 in council tax if this meant that people could go out at night without fear of being attacked, knowing their home was safe and cars will be undamaged when they get up in a morning. It would, to me, be money very well spent.

But could funds for these extra police officers not be raised by other methods.

I think it could be done very easily with all the monies collected from speeding fines. At least the poor motorist would see some good being done with the money rather than it being used to perpetuate more cameras and the rest going into an economic hole in Whitehall.

RON DAVIES, Olive Lane, Darwen.