IN response to Derek Jackson's letter (LET, February 7), while the Traffic situation around the Fernhurst Farm junction is a nuisance, it is nothing in terms of the sheer frustration caused by the pelican crossing on Montague Street near the junction with the Barbara Castle Way extension.

The frequency with which it holds up traffic (especially between 8am and 9.30am) is ridiculous.

Traffic is often backed all the way up Montague Street and consequently on to Preston New Road in both directions. Perhaps a bridge or an underpass could be constructed .

Given the countless number of bottlenecks around town, it seems utterly insane for the council to add extra problems on top of the ancient road layout. There is a bus stop on Montague Street near a traffic island which means that when a bus stops there, traffic going round the bus has to swerve sharply to avoid the island.

Another bottle-neck is Darwen Street. Trying to get from the railway station to Darwen Street is made all the harder since Jubilee Street had a bus lane installed.

I've written to the Town Hall before now about the traffic system in Blackburn but have never received a response. Maybe more direct action is called for

I think Mr Jackson can count himself lucky that the only hazard he faces is the Fernhurst fiasco as some of us have Montague Mayhem to contend with!

ANGELA McGRAW, Alexandra Road, Blackburn.