CHILDREN from two Burnley primary schools have been using their artistic talents to take part in a police poster competition.

Community beat manager PC Richard Collopy and police community support officer Sian George launched the competition for pupils at Casterton Primary and St John's Primary Schools following a successful surgery in January.

The theme of the competition is the Police CCTV Van.

Youngsters were encouraged to look around the vehicle during the surgery.

A prize will be given to one pupil from each school for the best picture.

Winners will be chosen on Friday, February 27.

PCSO Sian George said: "We really enjoyed visiting the two schools last month.

"The pupils and teachers were fantastic and the kids thought the CCTV van was brilliant.

"It really captured their imagination.

"It's for that reason that we decide to organise the poster competition which will have the CCTV van as its central theme.

"I am very much looking forward to judging the competition as well as continuing to work with pupils and teachers to further strengthen our links with the schools."