A FATHER-to-be who got behind the wheel while banned has been warned he could be facing jail.

Burnley Magistrates heard that forklift truck driver James Andrew Brown, 21, borrowed a car to get his girlfriend to the clinic and to take the least amount of time off work for the appointment.

Brown of Burnley Road, Padiham, was bailed until March 9 for a pre-sentence report and the bench told him they were not ruling out custody. He admitted driving while disqualified and using an uninsured vehicle, on February 11.

The court was told when Brown was stopped, cautioned and arrested on suspicion of disqualified driving, he replied: "I know, I was going to the clinic." He had 32 previous convictions.

Graeme Parkinson, defending, said apart from the last 12 months Brown's record had been appalling. He committed offences regularly and primarily in drink. The defendant was now living with a girl and she had been the stabilising factor in his life.

Brown enjoyed his job, which did not require a driving licence, and wanted to make a favourable impression. On the day of the offence the defendant's girlfriend had a clinic appointment and he borrowed a car.

Mr Parkinson continued:" He made a very poor decision and has put in jeopardy all the progress he has made."