AN application has been received to fell two pine trees within Hurstwood Conservation Area at Hurstwood House.

One tree is leaning towards a boundary dry stone wall. Roots on both trees are endangering the foundations of the house.

PLANNING permission has been granted for alterations to convert a dwelling into two dwellings with a proposed kitchen extension at Moorfell Farm Cottage, off Hurstwood Lane.

A PLANNING application has been received relating to 202-204 Brownside Road. The Parish Council has pointed out to the planning department that there is a public footpath on the western side and care should be taken not to block it off. The Parish Council has also requested that any stiles be refurbished.

IT has again been reported to Burnley Council's environmental health department that wheelie bins are being left in the road by Biffa.

THE Parish Clerk has warned that the kerb on the corner on Brownside Road/Brun Terrace is breaking up due to lorries cutting the corner.

COUN Philip Walsh has reported that the lamp on Halstead Street is dangerous as it is cracked down to the base.

THE Parish Clerk is to obtain the estimate for railings to be put up to the front and rear of the Reading Rooms.

COUN Alan Lawson has suggested that part of next year's Opportunities Fund from the borough council could be used for a light to be installed by the steps at Crossley Grange.

THE Parish Council will meet on Tuesday, February 24, at 6.30pm at 16 Ravenoak Lane, to complete outstanding business.

COUN Tony Lambert has been appointed to the Executive of the Lancashire Association of Parish and Town Councils.

BURNLEY Council wants to improve liaison with the parish councils, and is advancing on three fronts.

The council wants to hold Area Structures Committees in non-parished localities; to consult parish councils in parish localities; and to stage roadshows to explain council policy.