A DRUG addict who helped himself to a shopper's cash after she left her handbag on a bus claimed he had planned to hand it into police.

Burnley magistrates heard how Alexander Christopher Leaver, 31, found temptation too much, looked in the bag and helped himself to the money.

Leaver, now trying to kick his addiction but facing a drink problem, was given a 12 month community rehabilitation order, with £75 costs. The defendant, of The Dell, Flat Seven, Cobden Street, Nelson, admitted theft on March 27.

Mercedah Jabbari, prosecuting, told the court the victim got off the bus in Brierfield and realised she had left her bag behind.

She got into a taxi, followed the bus and caught up with it at Nelson bus station.

The woman then spotted a man walking away with a black strap hanging from his jacket. He handed her bag back, but the victim's cash was missing. The woman challenged the defendant, but he ran away, chased by her and a witness. Police found Leaver crouched down in a gap.

Miss Jabbari said when Leaver was questioned, he said he had found the bag and had been intending to hand it into police. He claimed he ran off because he had an appointment with the community drugs team and didn't want to miss it.

Mark Williams, defending, said Leaver appeared to have come to terms with his long-standing drug problem. He had earlier been given a chance by the court and it seemed to have been the making of him. He was still on methadone, but his health had improved and he was in a better position.

Mr Williams added although Leaver had replaced his drug problem with drink it was hoped he would put both difficulties behind him.