THE National Blood Service has appealed to people across East Lancashire to donate more blood.

In this region alone hospitals need 1,500 units a day in accident and emergency, general surgery, orthopaedic surgery and maternity units.

To meet this demand the NBS is totally reliant on voluntary donors attending local sessions and giving blood on a regular basis.

Racheal Roberts, spokeswoman for the NBS, said: "We are lucky in the North West to have some very committed donors who continuously support our work.

"However we do lose donors through them moving house or reaching the upper age limit for giving blood and this is why we always need new donors to make sure we have the life-saving blood we need."

The NBS is looking for donors between 17 and 60 years old, in general good health and weighing more than 50kg.

For more information call the National Donor Helpline on 08457 711 711.

Donor sessions will be held at Burnley Football Club on February 26 and The Globe Centre, Accrington, on February 27.