MORE than 90 Accrington residents are object to a plan for a late-night takeaway in a mainly residential part of the town.

People living around Plantation Road have signed petitions in a local newsagents' shop and existing chip shop, objecting to a proposed takeaway at No 67.

Tracey Lord, of Lord's newsagents' shop, has helped collect signatures alongside staff at the neighbouring Plantation Street chip shop. She said Accrington already has enough takeaways.

She told the Evening Telegraph: "This is a residential area and we have already got one takeaway on the row. We don't need any more and we don't need the litter."

The list of objectors has been submitted to Hyndburn Council's planning department, ahead of tonight's planning committee meeting, where the plan will be considered by councillors.

Applicant Safdar Mohammed, of Royds Street, Accrington, hopes to run a hot food takeaway at the premises, which was temporarily used for an outside catering business at one time.

Proposed opening times are 4pm to midnight on Mondays to Thursdays, and 4pm to 2am on Saturdays and Sundays. However, he has indicated a flexibility regarding opening hours. He was yesterday unavailable for comment.

In her letter accompanying the petition, Mrs Lord said: "The junction near the property is very busy and more parking outside No 67 would make it even worse for elderly crossing the road.

"Rubbish from takeaways is already an issue at Plantation Street, as council bins are overflowing. This scheme would only encourage vermin.

"The trading hours proposed until 2am are totally unacceptable in a residential area, which has many elderly and house-bound people."

Under planning guidelines, the council is required to consider the vitality of trade on other local shops and businesses and the effect of a takeaway on residents of surrounding flats and houses. Planning officers are recommending councillors refuse the scheme tonight.