A COMMUNITY conference is being held at Alder Grange Community High School, Rawtenstall, next month.

It is a chance for people in Rossendale to influence the community strategy for the borough, which is being developed by Rossendale Partnership.

A similar event was held at the school in February 2003. It is open to anyone who lives or works in the borough and runs from 10am to 1pm.

There is a separate session in the afternoon, from 2pm to 4pm, which will give people the chance to have a say on the Local Development Framework, which will guide how buildings and sites in the borough will be developed in the future.

The conference will be based on a series of workshops to give everyone a chance to participate.

Gillian Bishop, deputy chief executive of Rossendale Council, will be the main speaker at the event, and there will also be a drama presentation by members of Youth4ria, Rossendale's youth council.

Anyone interested in attending the event should contact Jerry Smith or Joanne Hargreaves on 01706 244512, Michael Whittaker on 01706 244764 or Andree Pomfret 01706 244785.