ROSSENDALE has seven new volunteers in its team of Community First Responders who are now qualified to attend medical emergencies in the borough.

The new members, who received certificates at a presentation evening at Rossendale ambulance station, bring the total number of volunteers in the valley up to 25.

Richard Peters, paramedic supervisor for Rossendale and manager of the Rossendale Community First Responder Group, said the Rossendale Valley scheme was the largest and busiest in Lancashire.

He said: "Most First Responder schemes in the county answer an average of about 10 calls a month, but in the first six months that the Rossendale scheme has been running it has attended 300."

Richard said they were still looking for volunteers to get involved and a training course for volunteers is being held after Easter.

First Responders are sent out when emergency calls are made for an ambulance to provide support at the scene until the ambulance arrives.

For more information about how to become a member of Rossendale Community First Responder Team telephone Richard on 07713 563910.