FARMERS from across Lancashire have raised their concerns about new EU common agriculture policy proposals at the National Farmers Union annual general meeting in Birmingham.

At yesterday's gathering, NFU members from the county asked Secretary of State, Margaret Beckett why thousands of farmers in severely disadvantaged areas could face a huge reduction in farm support, after the government's announcement of the introduction of the new CAP payments next year.

NFU North West chairman, Thomas Binns, said: "Many of the farmers in the Cumbrian uplands have farmed for many years in disadvantaged locations and have balanced the demands of production and the environment very well. They now find their businesses the focus of serious disadvantage.

"The payments they will receive under the new regime will not reflect the level of support they have received in the past.

"The situation will get worse over time as historic payments are phased out and a regional payment, which could be around £65 per hectare, is phased in."

The CAP reform announced on January 12 will mean that a new single-farm payment will replace the production-based support payments previously received by farmers.