SCAFFOLDING masking Blackburn's Pavilions development has been taken down to reveal the buildings in all their glory.

Blackburn with Darwen Council has spent more than £1million developing Church Street including the Pavilion development.

Last September, glazed panels weighing nearly 900 pounds each were hoisted by crane on to the framework of the buildings in Church Street.

These form two-storey glass structures connecting the three Pavilion buildings, which have undergone a major restoration.

But further work concentrating on the building exteriors has meant scaffolding has obscured the view for passers-by.

The work by the council has now been completed including internal plastering and installation of electrics.

The three buildings will soon be transformed into shops and restaurants with the internal fittings installed by the tenants who take on the properties.

Speaking previously about the Pavilions Coun Andy Kay, executive member for regeneration said: "The regeneration of these historic buildings means that true progress is being made to preserve Blackburn's heritage and at the same time create a new and exciting attraction for the town."

The £1.3million refurbishment has been funded by Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council, the Northwest Development Agency and the Heritage Lottery Fund.

The buildings have been marketed to attract tenants and the council has had a considerable number of inquiries.