THANK goodness "I'm a celebrity, get me out of here!" is over. No more animals will suffer in the hideous endurance tests known as 'bush tucker trials.'

Over the last two weeks we have seen repeated acts of cruelty to animals: insects being eaten alive, a rat dropped head first into a tank of water, a visibly distressed eel tipped on to a pile of maggots, a baby crocodile thrown into a tank with snakes -- even a goldfish dropped into a glass of champagne.

The contestants may have been terrified by their close encounters with jungle creatures but the animals would have feared for their lives, too.

Unfortunately rats, insects, snakes and eels are not the usual candidates for public sympathy. But just because they aren't 'cute' or 'cuddly' doesn't mean they don't experience pain and distress.

The RSPCA has already voiced concern and Animal Aid is urging viewers who found the programme offensive or upsetting to complain to the producers, Granada plc and Ofcom, the TV regulators. Animal animal abuse does not make entertaining viewing.

CLAUDIA TARRY, Campaigner, Animal Aid, Tonbridge.