BURNLEY Soroptimists have raised more than £2,700 for their charity fund by holding events including a curry evening and a concert.

The curry evening was organised by Muriel Syed for fellow members at her home and raised £260.

Sisters Anne and Geraldine Farry opened their house for a coffee morning at which members took part in competitions. This event raised more than £220.

Members and guests dressed up in Victorian costume for a Victorian evening at the home of Dorothy Gallagher, which raised more than £700. Entertainment was provided by a magician and there was a buffet supper.

A concert at St Peter's Church raised £1,050 and finally an auction and Sunday lunch, organised by Joyce Ogden, raised around £500.

Money from all has gone into the club's charity fund, which is built up during the financial year and is used to alleviate suffering both locally, nationally and internationally.

This year some of it will be donated to Pendleside Hospice and the club president has asked that a contribution be made to the fund for meningitis research.

Other charities to receive donations will be announced at the club's annual general meeting in April.