A CASH-strapped Burnley man thought he could make some easy money by throwing a drugs package over a prison wall.

But Kevin Rooney came unstuck when his efforts were spotted by plain clothes police.

He was caught near to Preston Prison and it resulted in a six months jail sentence for two drug offences.

Rooney, 21, of Hinton Street, Burnley, had been committed by magistrates for sentencing on two offences of possessing cannabis with intent to supply. The total amount of the drugs was nearly two ounces.

Martine Snowdon, prosecuting at Preston Crown Court, said the offences dated back to January 6 this year. Plain clothes police officers were on duty adjacent to a wall of Preston Prison, leading to the exercise yard.

They noticed the defendant walking along. At one point he stopped and faced the jail. Then he whistled loudly and threw a package towards the yard.

He was arrested and the package was recovered from the prison car park. Rooney told police that two men had earlier approached him in Burnley and offered him £20 to throw the stuff to the jail.

Defence barrister Miss Julie Taylor said Rooney had been naive and stupid and displayed a lack of forethought.

The background to the case was that he had earlier lost his job and ended up with substantial mortgage arrears.

"On that day he was offered £20 which seemed a lot as he was in several financial straits. He took the opportunity to make what he thought was easy money.

"He is very remorseful, very sorry for his actions that day". Passing a prison sentence, Judge Pamela Badley said such offences could cause considerable problems in prison. Only a sentence of custody could be justified.