HAPTON parish councillors have been told the village is to lose its community beat manager, PC Tony Himycz, from March 31.

Sergeant Debbie Carter, of Padiham police, explained that when there is a full emergency -- such as the Morecambe Bay tragedy -- then all community beat managers are taken away from their beats to assist. This has left their areas with no available police officer at certain times.

Now the Lancashire force has decided to appoint a community police support officer to cover the Hapton area. He or she will be available at all times to cover the whole of the village.

Sergeant Carter thinks this is a more comprehensive cover than can be provided by a community beat manager.

Parish councillors paid tribute to PC Himycz and praised the initiatives he has implemented in the village.

HAPTON pensioners from the sheltered housing have been fundraising for the tragic parents of Gemma, Louise and Hayley Waddington, Barry and Jayne. They held a karaoke, raffle and played bingo at the Winchester Club in Hapton. The crowded event raised £350. Previously local residents and wardens from Burnley and Padiham Community Housing had collected £200.

FUNDING is being sought by Hapton's environment committee to replace the grass on the bowling green with turf and have edging installed all around it. It is hoped that this move will deter cyclists, horse riders and children from spoiling the grass.

BURNLEY Football Club is running football coaching sessions at Hapton CE/Methodist School in the village. James Webster, a former professional player with Burnley, is now a fully qualified UEFA B coach and has offered his services to the pupils of the school. The sessions start on Thursday, February 26 from 3.30pm to 4.30pm then run for the following five consecutive Thursdays, finishing on Thursday April 1. Cost is £15 for the full six weeks, or can be paid at £2.50 per session.

GAWTHORPE High School is almost in need of a new roof for its school hall after last Thursday's talent show. A packed house, with standing room only, attended the performance of 'Star for a Night' which had been arranged by the music committee of the school. The committee has been formed by Miss Wright, head of music, in her first term at the school.